how to build a raised garden bed with sleepers

How To Build A Raised Garden Bed With Sleepers?

A raised garden bed with sleepers creates the perfect base for raised plants. These thick, solid-wood beams are strong and durable, making them an excellent option for construction in your garden. Stick with us through this guide, and we will be able to get you on your way to creating your very own sleeper-raised bed from buying your sleepers through the process of assembly. Let’s get started!

Choose Your Size

Choosing the appropriate size for a garden bed for your sleepers is of prime importance. Here are some tips you can use for guidance:

  • Length and Width: You will have to know first how much space you need for growing. Take into account the available yard area where it fits and the plants you would like to grow. A common size for a beginner’s garden bed is around 4 feet by 8 feet (1.2 meters by 2.4 meters). This allows easy access to all parts from all sides without trampling the soil.
  • Height: The height of your bed will be guided by what you want and the crops you intend to grow. A typical height is between 12 and 18 inches with a measurement of 30-45 centimeters. Taller beds mean less bending over when planting and weeding. Remember too that deeper means more room for roots to grow.
  • Sleepers: Choose sleepers (railroad ties or timber) of cut size. A couple of typical sizes would be 95mm x 195mm or 120mm x 240mm. They are thick wooden beams that give some strength and longevity to the bed.
  • Access: Ensure that the dimensions of your bed allow you easy access to the middle. There is a big temptation to make it too wide. Very wide beds may make it hard to take care of plants in the middle.

Remember that your raised garden bed is to be a permanent installation; hence, spend some time to deliberate on the size of the bed that will best fit your purpose. Once you have determined the size, you’re all set to move forward in creating your sleeper-raised bed!

Position Your Sleepers

Clear the area: Remove any grass, weeds, or debris from the selected spot for your garden bed. Level the soil as best you can.

Lay the sleepers out: Place the sleepers in the desired configuration. If you’re making a rectangular bed, arrange them in a rectangle. Then make sure your corners are square. Measure diagonally from corner to corner. Adjust if necessary.

Use overlapping joints: If the bed is longer than a single sleeper, use joints at the end that overlap the sleepers. This provides rigidity. Overlap and screw or bolt the joints together using galvanized screws or timber bolts.

Attach Garden Sleepers Together

Drill pilot holes: Drill pilot holes through the sleepers at the overlap points to avoid splitting when you drive screws or bolts.

Attach with screws or bolts: Drive screws or bolts through the pilot holes and tighten them to make connections between the sleepers. Use at least two screws or bolts on each joint. Make certain they are evenly spaced along the lap.

Add Another Layer

how to build a raised garden bed with sleepers

Stack sleepers: For added bed height, place a second layer of sleepers on top of the first. Just as you did when building the first layer, you will clear the area for the new layer. Place your sleepers in the area where you want them, and then connect the joints, ensuring they’re staggered so they don’t align.

Stagger Joints: When adding a new layer, stagger the joints so they don’t align with the joints in the layer below. This enhances stability.

Attach Layers Together

Repeat the process: Continue to add layers in the same way, securing each layer to the one below.

Check for level: Place a spirit level across your garden bed to check that the face is level horizontally. Make any adjustments by adding or removing soil beneath the sleepers.

Repeat Until You Have Desired Height

Be patient: The activity is a bit painstaking, but the efforts will pay off. Continue repeating the activity until your bed is as high as you would like it to be. Always put on the proper safety equipment (gloves, eye protection) when working with sleepers. Now you are ready for a beautiful and functional garden bed!

In conclusion

At the end of the day, making your garden bed with sleepers is a good DIY project that balances functionality and aesthetic looks. By choosing the right size, positioning, securing, and layering the sleepers in place, you’ll have a firm and good-looking garden bed. And yes, there will be no excuse for not considering those few basic needs yours, your plants’, and the available space. With patience and just a little effort, your sleeper-raised bed will provide a thriving home for your plants and enhance your outdoor space. Happy gardening!


What are sleepers, and why should I use them for a raised garden bed?

Sleepers are large, rectangular wooden beams typically used in landscaping and garden construction. They are durable, and versatile, and provide a rustic look, making them ideal for raised garden beds.

What tools and materials will I need to build a raised garden bed with sleepers?

You will need sleepers (wooden beams), a saw, a drill, screws or bolts, a spirit level, a tape measure, a shovel, and optionally, a weed barrier fabric and soil for filling the bed.

How do I choose the right location for my raised garden bed?

Select a sunny spot that receives at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day. Ensure the area has good drainage and is easily accessible for watering and maintenance.

What size should my raised garden bed be?

The size depends on your space and needs. A common size is 4 feet wide by 8 feet long, which allows for easy access from both sides. The height can vary, but 12-24 inches is typical.

How do I prepare the ground before building the bed?

Clear the area of grass, weeds, and debris. Level the ground if necessary, and consider laying down a weed barrier fabric to prevent weeds from growing into your garden bed.

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